Podcast from this interview has now been posted and is below for you to listen to:
I was really so humbled and touched to be asked onto Aston Avery’s and Anna Kennedy’s “All Things Autism In Essex” broadcasting on the Gateway 97.8FM Radio show from 10AM-1PM on Thursday 1st August! Gateway 97.8 is an award-winning radio station with the Prime Minister’s Big Society and Queen’s Award. They can also be followed on Twitter @Gateway978.
Aston and his family have inspired me for quite some time. They truly touch my heart and are the strongest and most motivational family.Aston has had to deal with so much in his life, including autism,and like myself with my own son, his family refused to accept the invisible cage bars of ignorance, negative assumptions and the limited, restricted beliefs of others, including professionals. Aston is living proof, like my son Ollie, of busting the myths surrounding autism and growing into his full potential as well as lighting a flame for others. I am full of awe and admiration. Whenever I have a tough day, it is families like this who ensure I never give up,to brush the dust from my feet and continue to walk strongly. This is why we all do what we do, so tirelessly and with absolute unswerving conviction.
Aston and his family have used their life’s journey and experiences to help others in so many immeasurable ways. Aston is an Anna Kennedy Online Ambassador, fundraiser, DJ, presenter, singer, dancer and actor… all achievements no one ever thought possible. He has also won the NDA Award for disability.
For the first time ever in any interview I’ve ever given I became emotional .
It was also the first time I discussed at any length the full picture of what was going on for us as a family at home against which my son’s journey with autism was being played out.
As I talked about catching sight of Ollie through the doorway where he was being robed up ready for his graduation, suddenly seeing in fast motion all the chapters of our lives which had led to this moment, I really knew and felt so deeply in my heart what a giant my son is … and I just crumpled because the love and immense awe and pride I felt were just too big for my little body !
Please tune in to this incredible and informative show where Autism is given a voice from those who really know the journey from the inside out and who celebrate each unique individual behind the label.
Podcast from this interview has now been posted and is below for you to listen to:
Words cannot express how massively honoured and beyond excited I was to have been invited by Anna Kennedy OBE for an interview on Tuesday 9th July at 1pm on her radio show for Women’s Radio Station.
It was so incredible and impactful to have such a platform from which to help the voices of the children and young adults I so believe in, be heard and valued. It is my life’s passion. It was very inspiring in itself to be with Anna whose work for autism is renowned and recognised. Meeting Anna at the absolutely powerful and emotional Autism’s Got Talent at St Ives on the 29th June, which she organises as part of the Autism’s Got Talent Roadshow, showed her heartfelt and genuine passionate care for young people with autism. It was a joy to be around such energy, belief,motivation and drive. I’m afraid I had to give her a big hug or I would have burst!
After so long of feeling like a lone voice in the dark, setting up my business against all the odds imaginable whilst walking an utterly heartbreaking,at times terrifying and often exhausting path with my son, feeling my way as I went along and fighting against everything I was being told, it feels SO GOOD to be joining my voice with others. It is very important to me to reach through the barriers of negativity and isolation that families of people with different abilities feel and show through my personal and professional journey that there IS hope and there IS so much potential to be unlocked inside each human being… including and perhaps especially those with autism.
The interview was aired every day at 1pm and 1am (for overseas listeners) until Monday 15th July. The podcast of the interview is now above. Thank you so warmly Anna for inviting me !
I was so happy to have been invited back for an interview with Bryan Leaker MBE of West Somerset Radio 104.4FM to talk about Rainbow Kids which I founded in 2016. The recording was aired at 1.30pm on Friday 21st June and then re-run on Tuesday 25th June.
Since I founded Rainbow Kids Touch Therapy and Relaxation, it has grown to spread to schools locally as I have trained teaching staff ,LSA’s and therapists . This work has now caught on up and down the country as my trainings have taken me further afield . I have even begun taking it outside of the UK which is so rewarding as Rainbow Kids crosses all barriers, including non verbal.It is beautiful to watch it grow so rapidly and to unlock the potential of every child in a focused and inclusive way.
My work and therapy chalet were recognised in March 2019 as an official Learning Destination with the Children’s University and this is the main subject of the interview. I never expected or looked for this ;indeed it came as a wonderful ,happy surprise. For me it is 100% about the children all the way.
The Children’s University wrote to invite me to apply as a Learning Destination after hearing from several headteachers about how many children were doing extra curricular hours with me exploring all that Rainbow Kids has to offer – and teachers noticing a definite difference to those pupils’ performance within the classroom as a result.
It makes my heart so full to bursting to see how all my hard work and endless hours are reaping such valuable benefits for children of all ages and abilities. It means the world to me have this recognition for my work and for all the children who have helped me to shape it into what is has become. Every child has what I call a ‘point of access’ ; a way in to ease issues and challenges,discover strengths and to unlock the potential of all they can possibly be. Many surprise themselves as they discover all they can do . It is wonderful how this self esteem, awareness, expression and focus then has a collective benefit within the classroom.It’s my personal vow that there is no child I cannot ‘reach’ .
The children and young adults I work with all keep my learning and growth fresh , in the same way that I encourage and invite them to do the same. So who knows what’s next for Rainbow Kids …!
I’m so SO happy to be invited along to an interview with Autism And Us Podcast – Player FM on July 19th in London. What a valuable and wonderful opportunity to share my journey with my son and to bring realistic hope ,education and awareness. Let’s bust a few of those restrictive and limiting myths ! I’m counting the days !
“Autism and Us is an honest and relatable podcast around the topic of autism. Each eisode invites a parent or close family member of someone with autism to share their story”. With guests such as Kathy Lette who have been featured on here with their real and heartwarming stories ,I hope my little feet will be able to follow in such big footsteps ! Whoever we are we all need to keep joining our voices together until these children and young adults are heard, valued and included.
It was with much thought, consideration and responsibility that I recently accepted an invitation to write for Melanie Sykes’ The Frank Magazine, to be interviewed about my personal life and journey .
As such an ordinary woman, I at first wondered why me, why me to be interviewed for such an impactful piece ?! After some thought I decided that is exactly BECAUSE I am just a regular person that my story could bring such real hope to the average woman. Part of the article touches briefly on having a child on the autism spectrum but it is mainly concerned with the personal background against which I had to build a life. For what happened to me happens daily to countless thousands of people and crosses all backgrounds, cultures and incomes. Whilst there is a great deal of hilarity, magic, ingenuity and tenacity in my story, there is also the horror and heartbreak of domestic violence,neglect and abuse ; so the responsibility in sharing what happened to us had to be carefully considered. Names have been omitted or changed – not because I had to – but because this is a story to bring achievable escape to potentially so many – and is not a story of pity, glory or sensationalism.
The four page interview will be appearing in the October/November 2020 issue of The Frank Magazine . This issue focuses on relationships and Women’s Aid will also be featured. I am so hoping that between us we can bring solid hope,advice and support.
I have heard tell that if one single pebble on your path was changed, your whole future would be different. In my work I hope I am that one positive pebble to children and young adults who feel they have no voice and no value. I understand how that feels both through my journey with my son with autism and through my own life, albeit in a different capacity. If doing this interview helps to change the life of just a handful of people or help others spot the signs and get out early, then I wouldn’t change a single pebble I have walked on my extraordinary journey.
I shall post the link to the article here when it is published. My deepest thanks to Melanie Sykes and Millie Cooper, ( Melanie’s business partner for The Frank Magazine ) for giving me this incredible opportunity to bring hope and practical positives to so many from a platform I could never have imagined.
No monies were received for this interview. It is with hope that in sharing some of my story others out there can feel that there is always a way out and forwards.
“British TV Presenter and model Melanie Sykes has launched Frank Magazine with co-founder Caroline Beau de Lomenie. Frank is an online magazine ( although it can be ordered in hard copy ) and it is aimed at women over the age of 40. It covers fashion, beauty, travel,lifestyle,motoring, psychology and relationships, health and wellbeing ,culture, interviews with inspiring personalities, along with news, reviews,on books,movies, theatre and more.
All models across the title will be aged 40+ and Frank has selected top expert contributors to share their knowledge and expertise to nourish as inspire curious and questioning mature minds “.
*Venue: Rainbow Kids at Holistic Therapy Dunster with Kelly May Twiss MFHT*
A lovely , warm, nurturing and magical afternoon to share with friends . Story massages, yoga stretches, guided meditations and creative activities all enjoyed at a slow and gentle pace. Each child will bring home with them a ‘calm in a bottle ‘ aromatherapy roll on, blended especially to help them relax and unwind whenever they need it. Kelly is a fully qualified and insured aromatherapist.
All ages welcome. £10 per child including yummy snacks and a gift. Limited spaces available.
Venue : The Therapy Chalet, Porlock Hill, Near Minehead ,Somerset with Mary Smith M.Crys.H.Crystal Reiki Master /Teacher and fully qualified Sound Practitioner of many years experience.
Mary will take the children on a journey about energy which is in every living thing and all around us. The workshop will include how colours make us feel, how colours themselves feel , choosing crystals and why you are drawn to those particular crystals along with formation of them and how this can be used. Mary will share how to make a lovely peaceful space to relax in and will take the children on a beautiful guided meditation. A gift awaits each child who shares this special afternoon . Cakes and refreshments are included .
All ages and abilities welcome. Limited spaces available.
*Venue: Rainbow Kids at Holistic Therapy Dunster with Kelly May Twiss MFHT*
A lovely , warm, nurturing and magical afternoon to share with friends . Story massages, yoga stretches, guided meditations and creative activities all enjoyed at a slow and gentle pace. Each child will bring home with them a ‘calm in a bottle ‘ aromatherapy roll on, blended especially to help them relax and unwind whenever they need it. Kelly is a fully qualified and insured aromatherapist.
All ages welcome. £10 per child including yummy snacks and a gift. Limited spaces available.
On April 25th an article I wrote about my journey and work with my absolutely inspiring and phenomenal son with autism appeared on the website for Anna Kennedy Online !!
Anna Kennedy OBE is the founder of the charity “with a big heart , that raises autism awareness like no other mainstream charity” . She is dedicated to raising awareness about autism through her tireless work , events such as Autism’s Got Talent, her radio show as well as ceaseless campaigning ; bringing a voice to those who so often get overlooked. She is a lady absolutely after my own heart and it is the highpoint of my work and journey so far to be given such a platform to help get these children heard and valued.
The isolation, limited expectations and lack of understanding surrounding these children and their families can often be the real disabilities. If our story can help bring solid hope and achievable inspiration to other families like ours, then this article and every minute of our journey will have served a purpose. Children with different abilities become adults with different abilities … and different is by no means less. Far from it…
To read the article, please click here to visit the Anna Kennedy Online website.
On Friday 24th May 2019 I shall be running trainings for therapists, other professionals/staff members and parents for Brainwave Charity . This charity helps children and young adults with disabilities/different abilities and additional needs to achieve greater independence through improving mobility, communication skills and learning potential through a range of educational and physical therapies.
The Brainwave Programme aims to develop the maximum potential of each child by taking an integrated approach to their physical and cognitive development an by aiming to enhance each child’s emotional and social intelligence/skills. One of the key successes of Brainwave is their ability to recognise the impact a child with additional needs has on their family and empowering them to deliver therapy to their child at home. Therapists are all trained in exercises, techniques and therapies to fit around the child’s day and are intended to facilitate developmental progress and improve function.
Brainwave Charity see children from all over the country in their centres and work with therapists who are drawn from the mainstream fields of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and educational therapy. They work with the child and their family to devise a unique programme specifically designed to meet the child’s needs and encourage them to unlock their full potential.
This a charity straight after my own heart and I cannot put into words how thrilled I am to have been invited to share my trainings with them for a whole day and add my therapy to what they can offer these special children and their families. I literally cannot wait !