RADIO GATEWAY 97.8FM INTERVIEW 28th September 2023

Really, REALLY delighted to have been invited back again onto RADIO GATEWAY 97.8FM on Thursday 28th September 2023 at 11.30am GMT !

Talking “All Things Autism” with Dr Anna Kennedy OBE and Aston Avery with the focus on tips for well-being and mental health.
Looking forward to sharing with you all.


DELIGHTED to have been invited by Magdalena Landziak, Editor of AMYGDALA Magazine to write an article about Inclusion and what that really means if you are neurodivergent.

AMYGDALA Magazine is the first NATIONAL Magazine for Special Needs Assistants (SNA’s)
We are all in this together and it is just wonderful to be educating and
advocating in the heart of those who care for our children every day.

The February Issue covers Assistive Technology, Sign Language in a school setting, Neuroaffirmative language and the Interception Approach amongst other important topics.
This is exactly the sort of publication which should be in every school!

Click on the link below to read the first page of my article:

UK HEALTH RADIO Interview with Evalynne Charmer

I had SUCH a wonderful chat (interview sounds too formal) with the amazing Evalynne Charmer of Dip.Hyp Paediatrics, Founder and Director of Ed Elf Child Therapy Ltd and presenter of the award winning UK Health Radio.UK Health Radio

Feel like I have found a soulmate !

We discussed neurodivergence, our language around that, neurological pathways, inclusion, employability, education, resources and so much more !!

It was aired twice daily from 1 September 2022 and can be accessed through the radio , Spotify and Apple.

In the meantime please check out Evalynne’s own incredible, pioneering UK leading neurodivergent work on the links in the photos.

I already cannot wait for next time !!

DARING TO BE DIFFERENT Podcast Interview with Samantha Grierson 8 July 2022

SO SO delighted and happy to have been interviewed for such an esteemed Podcast and to have chatted with the powerhouse that is Sam Grierson.
Thank you SO much for inviting me on!!
I hope my interview brings positivity,real concrete hope to others along with the strength to never ever EVER give up or let others define you.

Daring to be Different …?
I LOVE being different!!
And am so at home with others who are!

“Daring to be different with the fabulous Giuliana Wheater, an author and multi award winning therapist working with autism, SEN and mental health.
She is the founder of Therapies For Special Needs and Rainbow Kids Touch Therapy.
She is the Wellbeing Ambassador for the international Autism charity AnnaKennedyOnline.
Her work has been recognised by the Children’s University as a Learning Destination.
Her proudest achievment is being Mum to four neurodiverse children.

We chat about the challenges of autism diagnosis in childhood, tips on navigating schools with autistic children,activism,therapies for children with special needs, The Anna Kennedy Charity, Audrey Hepburn and finding your yellow.”

Listen now on iTunes,Spotify or on the link below
Daring To Be Different Season 2 – Giuliana Wheater

Sam Grierson, Playwright, Journalist, Producer and Host of “Daring to be Different”, received a later life diagnosis of Autism and ADHD, changing the course of her life forever.
What was initially a shock becae the driving fore behind her creativity and allowed her to revive her love of writing and create content celebrating difference.
Listen and fasten your seatbelt….

This interview series involves Sam “chatting to change makers who have Dared to be Different and stand up and speak out.We discuss social change that has occurred over the last 30 years, how language has evolved and is evolving and how we still have more work to do…Actors,Singers,Members of Parliament, Artists,Authors,Activists and Entrepreneurs who all dare … Sam Grierson interviews…Daring To Be Different…

West Somerset Free Press 8th July 2022

Featured in my regional newspaper… a lovely article about my Autism Hero Award, my prolific work for autism and other neurodivergences as well as for all sorts of other people who have no voice, whether thats because of a neurodiversity or their situation.

As just a really ordinary lady who had nothing at all, I hope this article brings some real and positive light and hope.

The only time I ever answer personal questions in interviews is if I feel from my heart that it will bring choice and empowerment to those millions who feel they have none.

We all get dealt cards in life.
It is what we do with them that counts.

I am not defined by what happened to me.
I defined IT.
And you can do the same.


Tune into Women’s today at 1pm GMT or 1am GMT to hear my lovely interview with the fantastic Anna Kennedy OBE about All Things Autism ; ADHD, PDA, neurodivergence and neurodiversities and all the gorgeous deeply beneficial therapies you can share.
This interview will bring so much help and hope to those living or working with neurodivergence.
We also chat about my recent Autism Hero Award.

Thank you SO MUCH Anna for having me on the show again.
I am beyond proud to be the Wellbeing Ambassador for the charity, AnnaKennedyOnline.
I loved it !!

CMA BREAKFAST BRIEFING 8.30am Thursday June 30th 2022

For any of you early birds out there I would absolutely LOVE to see you bright and early on Thursday 30th June at 8.30am where I’ll be chatting with Jayney Goddard,Founder of the Worldwide Organisation the Complementary Medical Association, of which I am proud to be a Centre of Excellence as well as a teacher/college member for many years.

I’m SO excited and so honoured.I just cannot wait to share all I possibly can.

Enclosed below is the link to the Breakfast Briefing for any of you who missed it !
CMA Breakfast Briefing : HOW I BUILT THIS with Giuliana Wheater


Really joyful to have been asked by Autism Eye magazine to contribute again to this wonderful publication.
I love this magazine, the best selling autism magazine in the UK because like me, the award winning editors are both parents as well as professionals in the world of autism.

Their magazine, born through their horrific and brave journey with their adored son Finn, just as my own was with my son Ollie, is packed full of advice, pointers, help, legal and tribunal advice, diet, EHCP’s ,the best treatments for your child and to help parents avoid the worst.
Autism Eye also keeps parents up to date with the latest research that could have a really positive effect on their children’s lives.

For this issue I was interviewed by Fiona Mc Neill about outdoor and sensory play therapy.

I share some of the ideas,activities and therapies that I use outdoors for the Community Project Rainbow Kids Touch Therapy which I founded in 2016 and which has been recognised by the Children’s University as a Learning Destination.
I also share the proven neuroscientific grounding as to how and why these therapies and activities are so successful for children of all different abilities.

It’s a great issue and it was lovely to learn from all the others who had also contributed.
We are all in this together.

The magazine can be accessed online at Autism Eye Magazine or in a hard copy.

THE MAP : MENTAL MATTERS with William R Drinkwater Podcast Interview 24 June 2022

MASSIVELY EXCITED to be chatting once again to my dear friend over the Pond, Professor
William R Drinkwater M.Ed,CADC-11,LADC-I,LLC LIVE at 4pm GMT and 4pm Willy’s tie !!

He has calls me his “British Spitfire of Special Needs” and has even made me a logo !!

We will be chatting live for his YouTube Podcast show for The Map : Mental Health and Addiction Podcast “Treatment Modalities with Willy Drinkwater.

Really hope that some of you will be able to tune in but it will remain posted on YouTube should any of you wish to catch it later.
The Map: Treatment Modalities with Willy Drinkwater

Willy’s show is so educational,real,accessible and packed with good advice and pointers. So well worth the follow anyway !

I have no idea what the questions will be but I LOVE it that way as I know my stuff, love learning more and can just be my natural unfiltered self !!I know some of it will be about my recent Autism Hero Award !!

Get the ear defenders out Willy !! HERE I COME !!

BBC RADIO SOMERSET 95.5FM Breakfast Show Interview 27th June 2022

YAAAAAAYYY!!! So happy I’ve actually done about 80 Head Over Heels all the way down my vertical garden !!!

I’ll be live on BBC Radio Somerset 95.5FM Breakfast Show on Monday 27th June 2022 at 7.45am GMT talking about my national Autism Hero Award from the charity I am so devoted to – AnnaKennedyOnline ,as well as all about all the incredibly ABLE autistic and other neurodivergent people whom I am infinitely blessed to work with.

We all need some good news at the moment and I hope for those of you who are able to tune in or catch it later on at BBCSounds Radio Somerset – Listen Live – BBC Sounds (where it will accessible for 30 days) that I’ll bring a smile to your faces.
And LOTS and LOTS of hope,possibilities and belief!