ADHD, ASD and LD Belgium Conference


At the November 2014 ’Thinking Outside The Box” annual conference for ADHD ASC & LD Belgium

Public speaking work is becoming a large part of what Giuliana does, being invited to talk not only at schools both here and abroad but to major organisations who work to promote awareness of “special needs” . This is  an area Giuliana is growing increasingly passionate about and in November 2014 Giuliana was inviged as a guest speaker to the annual conference of ADHD, ASD & LD Belgium.

As well as raising awareness of special needs and giving these children their voices and dreams back, schools should be integrating “special needs” within the mainstream system and not segregating special needs. With so many young people in our society and our schools who have needs or differences now reaching epidemic levels, it is time schools and education planners integrated them more within the mainstream system instead of segregating them. It is no longer good enough to just label children: an understanding is needed and a lot more support so that they feel valued and nurtured. If a child feels safe, he or she will learn. By supporting them as a whole person – “Holistically”- Whole-istically they become happier, more alert, attendance increases and they are more productive and focused.

Giuliana will also be doing talks in Sweden, Ireland and Munich from late Spring 2015, as well as talks throughout the UK to schools and organisations.