Meditation and Mindfulness 1 Day Workshops and Weekly Sessions

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*Meditation and Mindfulness 90 minute weekly sessions :

Held  in my stunningly situated therapy/training chalet and former famous tearoom overlooking the sea , at Glen Halse, Porlock Hill, Porlock , Near Minehead ,Somerset TA24 8QH.

Thursday mornings from 10 until 11.30 am 

Thursday evenings from 7.30 until 9pm.

This is for anyone, whether you are a parent to a child with special needs/abilities or not, whether you are a carer or professional needing that time out, or just someone needing space and nurture for yourself.

These sessions combine mindfulness exercises, guided mediations , gentle but powerful readings and insights, Tibetan bowls and sound.

You only need to read “The Hidden Messages In Water”, by the Japanese scientist Dr Masaru Emoto to see the profound effect that sound has on water. Considering that the average adult is made of up to 65% water and children 75-78% water, healing sounds can be very clearing and balancing. Combined with mindfulness exercises and guided mediations , these beautiful sessions promote deep self-healing, self-awareness, self-care , peace, harmony , exploration and rejuvenation. Inner strength and confidence are stimulated as well as courage , positivity and generosity.


These informal weekly 90 minute sessions cost just £10 per person and anyone is welcome on any date or time . Cake and all refreshments are inclusive for grounding purposes of course !


*1 day workshop to promote your own inner calm and peace. 9.30am  – 4.30pm,lunch, cake and all refreshments included. Deeply relaxing, guided journeys of self discovery and healing along with beautiful stories, sound , breath work and movement. Let the outside World melt away and travel inwardly to the subconscious and super-conscious to promote health and well being on mental, emotional, physical and neurological levels.

This workshop massively boosts concentration, focus, attention, motivation, emotional intelligence and social skills. It is deeply beneficial for self care and nurture. It is proven that half an hour of meditation is the equivalent to 4 hours of deep and restful sleep which boosts our ability to cope and function and to stimulate our physical well being. This is a beautiful day away from it all.

No previous experience necessary.

Workshops are usually run from my Somerset based, beautiful therapy centre overlooking the sea – a sanctuary and retreat in itself.  Please do contact me if you would like a workshop centred around a particular need or group. These workshops can also be delivered to children, friends and family, care providers, teachers, therapists, schools, special schools, children’s homes, businesses, organisations, charities or to groups at a venue of your choice.

  • 1 Day Workshop Dates :
  • 16 November 2019
  • 17 December 2019
  • 13 January 2020
  • 24 February 2020
  • 6 May 2020
  • 15 June 2020
  • 28 August 2020
  • 19 October 2020
  • 4 November 2020


1 day workshop with lunch, cake and all refreshments – £60.00 per person

Weekly sessions including cake and refreshments – £10 per person